
Blood's Secrets 9

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loveorlife721's avatar

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The next morning was like every other morning, the only difference was that whenever anyone was in fifteen feet of Severiano’s room they made sure they were absolutely quiet. At a half past five all of the Liore boys were ready and in uniform.

“Ready?” Marco asked them all.

“As I’ll ever be.” Ace sighed. They went outside and got into the jeep. They all sat quietly a little uneasy on talking with Severiano being so close. Marco started the engine, listening to it purr. He loved this car, it had been though a lot. He started down the drive way and he looked back for a split second, he looked up and spotted Severiano watching them go. He sighed, rubbing his neck.

“Good luck with Satan dad.” Marco mumbled and drove off.

No more than three hours later Ace was facing Satan. He tried calming himself before he wound up beating someone to a bloody pulp. He saw Marco leading some people off on another tour, Trent stacking things in the gift shop, Caleb answering the phone and smiling at guests, and Luther sweeping up some dirt on the marble floor. ‘Why had he even cared to come today?’ He knew it was his turn to have the shitty job, why hadn’t he ditched?

“Pay check.” Marco said to him as he passed by with the tour group. Ace smirked, he knew Marco had seen his urge to bolt, so he just reminded him why he was there.

“Hey!” Ace looked down to find the little Satan he had been dealing with for twenty-five minutes straight. ‘Where was this kids mom?!’ Ace regretted then agreeing to take the job. ‘Yes, his brothers and him worked at the museum it was fancy, Ace hated the word but it was, educational. Today was his day to dress up and act like he was part of the exhibit.’ He was dressed in USA World War II military wear. He had to admit, carrying around an old musket was the fun part of the job. It wasn’t an easy job, he had to be perfect with his history memory and be number one on his acting skills. He had to answer stupid question after stupid question just for someone’s entertainment. It was tiring. ‘Man, this kid’s driving me insane!’ Ace thought. ‘He’s kicking me in the nuts every time he opens his mouth.’

“Ace—I mean Colonel Hawthorn—may I have a word?” Caleb called.

“Sure thing, civilian!” Ace smirked walking over, ignoring the boy’s jeers at him. “Sup?”

“I see you’ve been trying to not knock that boy’s jaw out of his flesh for some time now.” Caleb whispered. “Where’s his mother?”

“No idea, maybe she ditched the brat here? I mean I don’t blame her, he’s a little ball of slim, who’d want him? I mean he’s—”

“I think I’ll try and report him missing to the main entrance desk.” Caleb said, ignoring Ace’s rant.

“Well what do I do?”

“Answer his questions, it’s your job, isn’t it?” Trent said, walking by with a box full of snow globes.

“No one asked you, civilian!” Ace yelled, smirking. He jabbed the bayonet into Trent’s back. “Move along.” They both smirked. “Alright…so…do I like go tell him to get lost?”

“No. Just try not to kill him.” Luther said, sweeping up some dirt and grime around the desk.

“I can kill whoever I want! I’M THE GREAT COLONAL HAWTHORN!” Ace yelled, smirking. The boy took a step backwards but did not flee.

“I think you’ve had enough time as Colonel Crazy.” Caleb rolled his eyes.

“Because we all know Hawthorn was crazy, he killed 500 men and ate half of them for breakfast.” Trent laughed, keeping the lie going. Ace saw the horror in the boy’s face and he urged them all to continue.

“Yeah, well I bet you didn’t know Hawthorn killed his own family for not showing him enough respect.” Luther smirked.

“Yes, yes, I did.” Ace smiled. “I also killed an innocent boy for looking at me funny.”

“Oh, you mean like this?” Trent asked, glaring at Ace sticking his tongue out. They exchanged a silent conversation, then Trent nodded.  Ace grabbed Trent’s collar and threw him behind the desk. He jumped behind it and pretended to stab Trent with the bayonet while he yelled and swore. Trent held his laughter and grabbed some of the lasagna they packed for lunch, he took it and spilled it on himself and then slapped some on the bayonet. Ace leapt aside as Trent got up and stumbled out from behind the desk. He wheezed for air and clutched his chest where the lasagna sauce was.

“Run! He’s crazy, he’ll get you too little boy!” Trent keeled over as the boy screamed and bolted away yelling about zombies the whole way. The screams died out and all of them laughed uncontrollably.

“Ahh, Trent, this is why you’re my favorite bro.” Ace smacked him on the shoulder. He licked the musket clean as Trent grabbed some napkins. Caleb sighed, shaking his head.

“You both need to grow up.”

“But it was funny! You even laughed Caleb.” Luther smiled, hiccupping.

“Yes, I suppose I did.” They all laughed again as they started to clean until they heard someone clear their throat. They turned and found Marco tapping his foot.

“Uhh…care for some of Trent’s innards? Colonal Hawkthorn highly recommends it.” Ace smirked. Marco rolled his eyes.

“Really? I’m gone 10 minutes and you all manage to scar a kid for life. That’s a new record.”

“It was all in good fun.” Luther snickered.

“You’re lucky I’m not telling our boss about it. Ace, do it again and I’m putting you on dress up duty every shift.” Marco sighed. “We clear?”

“Yeah.” They all said, snickering to each other.

“Good, come on, clean up it’s almost closing time.”
This is the next chapter of my mythical creature book.
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AfBri-Chan's avatar
“Good luck with Satan dad.” Marco mumbled and drove off.
‘Man, this kid’s driving me insane!’ Ace thought. ‘He’s kicking me in the nuts every time he opens his mouth.’
“I think you've had enough time as Colonel Crazy.” Caleb rolled his eyes. “Because we all know Hawthorn was crazy, he killed 500 men and ate half of them for breakfast.”

BEST LINES. XD Pretty funny chapter. I love it how they scared the little kid away.